The Charity Ball at The Castle
The tenth wedding anniversary of Dominika Kulczyk-Lubomirska and Jan Lubomirski- Lanckoroński has become the opportunity to continue the family charitable tradition. This is yet the third charity ball at the Wiśnicz castle. During the ball, money for the purchase of an ambulance for the Poviat Hospital in Bochnia is raised. The money raised from the first one was donated to the building of the centre for children with cerebral palsy, while from the second one – to the purchase of a CAT scanner for detecting cancers among the youngest patients.
The Princes Lubomirski Foundation will purchase an ambulance for the Poviat Hospital in Bochnia. Still, thanks to the generosity of donors, money comes in the account of the organization, which will help to finance the project. The gift from the heart will serve to save the health and lives of patients for many years.

Fundacja Książąt Lubomirskich zakupi karetkę dla Szpitala Powiatowego w Bochni. Nadal, dzięki ofiarności darczyńców, wpływają pieniądze na konto organizacji, które pomogą w sfinansowaniu przedsięwzięcia. Dar serca przez wiele lat będzie służył ratowaniu zdrowia i życia pacjentów.
Fundacja Książąt Lubomirskich